Wednesday, December 7, 2011


What to do?  Ever find yourself in a situation where you have no other choice but to stop what you're doing because you literally can go no further?  And no matter how much you want to return to what you were doing, you cannot?  Isn't it frustrating?!!?!?
I've recently been on the grind with so many things and I'm loving every bit of it.  However, just two days ago I encountered an unexpected barrier thrown completely in my flow and I wasn't happy about it at first and as I write, I'm still coping with it-- the barrier that is.  I've since excepted the fact that I am supposed to be resting today despite the many deadlines I have yet to meet this week alone.
One thing I'm realizing now is that as I have come to accept this good rest day, my barrier is of none effect to me as in what I'm accomplishing at this current time.


I've come to the conclusion that I need to accept this minor hang up as an opportunity to rest and regain strength for the next day.  This is God-ordained and I'm glad He's still in control of my life.  Although, I know that if I had just taken a rest day on my own, things would have flowed a little easier....


~Reminder to self~

Keep looking up for His return draw nigh!

Tyvee B 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Just a very short, sweet and to the point message.....


Do we really believe this?
Is this something that we just say because it's appropriate to do so?
Is this symbolic to us or do we take it literally?
Do we care?
Are we concerned about the state we will be found in when He comes back?
Are we distracted by the images and vanity of this world?

These questions could go on and on for days.  They are here to help us get and remain prepared.  God's Word is true and His purpose for us is to be and stay AWAKE during these times.

Keep your eyes open and keep looking to heavens for Jesus Christ's return draws nigh!


Be encouraged and stay awake!

Tyvee B.

Matthew 24; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1Corinthians 15:50-54

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3

When I think of this scripture, I immediately think of two things:

1)    Our dependency upon God
2)    What is our ultimate goal in life?

Many of us would verbalize that we are poor in spirit, that we not only need, but we depend on God.  And many of us would say that our goal in life is to “make it to Heaven” or “walk in the Kingdom”.
Well let’s look at this scripture from another perspective…..

Jesus on many occasions said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”.  Well what is the Kingdom of Heaven?  What does it mean when Jesus said that it is, “at hand”?  The Kingdom of Heaven is the spiritual realm of God and “at hand” means that it’s here!  So the spiritual realm of God is here!  God’s presence is here! God’s power, ability, anointing, is here!  God and everything He represents is here!  So as in the scripture Matthew 4:17 says:

“From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Jesus was saying, “I have brought substance with me, the Holy Spirit of my Father is present, I have changed time to eternity, the law of Heaven has overcome the law of this earthly realm! 
This is how healings took place, relationships were restored and provisions were made.  Remember Jesus feeding the five thousand men and then the women and children as well?  If Jesus chose to operate in the realm of the earth only, He would be fishing for a pretty long time in order to feed at least five thousand men, and then don’t forget the women and babies.  And who’s gonna travel all the way back into town for at least five thousand loaves of bread?  And who would have it available?  And how long would it take before all of this was prepared to perfection in order to feed these hungry people?  You get the point!  It’s so much easier to work in the realm of the spirit!  So Jesus took two fishes, five loaves of bread, and chose to operate in the realm of the spirit of God.  He blessed the food and God miraculously multiplied the substance given and everyone was satisfied.  And God gave in abundance in so that twelve baskets were left over. Does it say anywhere about them starting with twelve baskets?  Hmm, something else to ponder!

So then there is the lifestyle of being “poor in spirit”.  If you are poor, for the most part, you are in need of some things.  You are totally dependent upon another to meet your need because you have shown that you’re in a place of where you cannot provide that substance yourself and the only way you are able to receive what you need from the source that can provide it is to be in the position or state of being that says, “I need what you have”.

The Father has everything we need.  We cannot provide for ourselves in our own power.  But we can allow the power of God to work through us to make provision.  And the provision of the Father always supplies more that what we ask for!

What an amazing Father we serve!  Be encouraged!

Tyvee B

Matthew 5:3; Matthew 4:17; Ecclesiastes 5:19

Hello, My Name is Wisdom

I am all for every woman, from little girls to seasoned ladies, to have wisdom.  Wisdom is the key that unlocks the potential of an amazing woman; a woman of God.  To have wisdom is to have wealth, strength and a confidence that cannot be tampered with.  To seek wisdom is an even greater compliment to the seeker.

One of my most consistent prayers is that the Lord would grant me wisdom.  During one particular season in my life, I would pray for wisdom every day and God has been faithful to bless me accordingly.  I now find myself praying for wisdom in more specific ways rather than in general.  I don’t believe you can ever be “too wise”.  We all learn something new everyday and obtain wisdom because of it.  I do believe however, that in our learning experiences, we can minimize the amount of heartache and headache we encounter obtaining that wisdom, by just simply asking for it from God before our day begins.  The bible says that God gives wisdom freely to those who ask and He doesn’t hold any back (James 1:5)!  Meaning, there are no restrictions and that there is enough for everybody.  Wow!  No dumb folk!   And if you’re like me, you probably have to ask for wisdom the night before just to make sure you’re covered enough for the next day—lol!

I’m grateful that we serve a God that isn’t stingy.  He’s sovereign in that He’s gives us all the tools we need in order to live a fruitful life that brings Him glory and blesses others He’s places in our midst.

So get to know Wisdom.  She’s a good girl—yes, a girl!  I got proof.  Read Proverbs chapters 8&9.  Check out the relationship between wisdom and our Mighty Creator.  Woooooo!  There is nothing like it.  Our Father was thinking of us when He created wisdom!  Oh and gentlemen, you can have wisdom too! lol!

Keep Him Lifted!

Tyvee B

James 1:5; Proverbs 8 & 9

Monday, June 27, 2011


The word "accept" comes with many meanings.  I would like to list a few....

- to receive willingly
- to be able or designed to take or hold ( I like this one personally)
- to give admittance or approval to
- to endure without protest or reaction (Another good one)
- to regard as proper, normal, or inevitable
- to recognize as true

And the list goes on....

As the creation of a matchless and wonderful God,  there are some things I would like to encourage us all to accept:

We are sons of a living God
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
We are bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus
We are victorious in every situation and circumstance we face
We are loved! (Hallelujah)
We are not subject to death, but to life everlasting
We have a hope and a peace that cannot be destroyed or diminished
We are forgiven (Whew)
In the end, WE WIN!!

These professions are not even a drop in the bucket in comparison to the many blessings and promises our Father has for us and provides on a daily basis!  We are a blessed people and we cannot lose with Jesus Christ!

Be Encouraged!

Tyvee B

1 John 3:2; Psalm 139:14; Romans 8:28; Romans 8:6; Ephesians 1:7; Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mighty Creator

Well hello there! It's been a minute I know, but I'm letting patience have her perfect work lol! So be blessed!  This blog post has blessed my socks off and I pray it does the same for you as well....


            I observe that first of all, God is simply amazing!  I can see that God is a perfectionist of sorts, not in that He struggles to make things perfect, but that they just are when He speaks them into existence.  He is a wholesome God; he lacks nothing in that, whatever he creates, it’s complete in every way.  He’s creative in all that He does and He’s very detailed oriented, look at the peacock!  I could say that God is anal, but I will NOT simply because an anal person is not balanced.  God is balanced…and he’s not flesh and blood like we are!
God delegates.  He brings about this beautiful creation, tells it what it needs to do, and then he goes on about other business because his creations are free of malfunctions.  He never has to look back to say, “Now waves, did you remember to only come this far today?”  On top of that, whatever God makes, always brings about increase!  Now that’s usually a tell tale sign of His miraculous works…increase!  His track record is consistent! What an awesome God!  God is also a God of love.  Whatever he made was never alone.  It was a part of a group, species, type, something!  With that, God teaches us that there is not only strength in numbers, but also strength in unity.  I love God, He’s so awesome!!!

God and me!

            I am delighted in all that God has created.  I can honestly say that at one time, I wasn’t happy with myself, my makeup, my image, etc.  But after a while, I realized that me not liking me was telling God that I didn’t like what he had said he had “fearfully and wonderfully” made.  I was telling Him that his work was no good and non-functioning, incomplete, unbalanced, non-productive, you name it!  And that was literally an insult to him, a slap in His face.  I realized that God wasn’t pleased with my assessment of His wonderful creation! Not a good place to be.
            I had to sit alone with God.  The more I sat alone with him, the more He allowed me to understand that the same way he took time out to create the world, he took that and more to create me.  I was made in His very image!  Now of course, because he’s God, speaking me into existence was cheesecake!  But when the Father speaks, it involves so much more than our physical makeup that we cannot begin to comprehend how we even function the way we do…and why! Whatever!  God’s ways and thoughts are not like ours…boy am I happy about that…well today anyway—haha!!

Keep looking up for your help draws nigh!!

Tyvee B

Genesis 1:1-24; Psalm 139:14

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blogging from my Kindle!

Ummmmm well! This is great! I have just figured out how to blog from mykindle!


More posts coming soon!

Tyvee B.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Always Appropriate!

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd
I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
For His name sake
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil
For though art with me
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me 
In the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil
My cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Be encouraged!  For the Lord is our All in all!

Tyvee B.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Decisions Decisions Decisions...

I've often asked myself, "Why did I do that?" or "What in the world was I thinking?" and "Now where did that thought come from?"  Ever been there?  These are not all bad cases.  In fact, the outcome of some of these thoughts and actions are quite genius and just might leave us in awe.

Good outcomes are always worth celebrating!

But what happens when the decisions you make or the actions you take yield an adverse outcome to what you had originally intended for it to be?  How do you handle the disappointment, stress, or even embarrassment from the consequences you're suffering?

I'm often tempted to not make certain decisions, but rather bury them somewhere deep in a section of my brain that I pretend doesn't exist, with a false hope that the situation would some how resolve itself.  Sometimes I'm afraid that I'll make the wrong decision so maybe I shouldn't make any decision at all right?


No resolution = No restitution!

So how do we ALWAYS make GOOD decisions?

Well this is my comfort and I don't mind sharing ; -)

It's not always in that we'll make a good decision, but that we make the right decision.  And when I say right, I mean that we are in our right mind when making decisions.  Being in your right mind simply means being sober and confident in what you decide to do.  It's you making the decision and not someone or something else.


We trust that the Father has fearfully and wonderfully made us.  We know that He is God, Mighty Creator (Elohim) and that everything He creates is perfect and not only perfect, but brings forth fruit of perfection!  We are made in the image of God and when He created us, He said that we were "very good".  Also, when God, Mighty Creator made us, there was nothing lacking!  We are whole and complete and one of our greatest attributes is that we can give of ourselves and our resources and still not lack but receive it back from the One who gave us the ability to give it in the first place!  What a Mighty God!!

Check it!  The function of the liver.....well you do the research!  It'll bless you!

So this amazing and awesome God gave us this great mind and with it a peace that we cannot even understand.  Having peace in our decision making causes us to realize that if by chance we made a bad decision or misinterpreted the Lord's instructions or whatever the case, we are yet at peace because in the end, regardless of the consequences, it's good--always!  This is what we expect and this is what the Lord prepares us for--a good end!  Lessons learned and victories won are good outcomes.

And good outcomes are always worth celebrating!

Keep looking up for His return is so soon!!

Tyvee B.

Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 37:23; Genesis 1:31; Isaiah 26:3; Romans 8:28; II Timothy1:7; Philippians 4:13; Zechariah 4:6

Monday, April 11, 2011


Transition has a way of bringing out the best, worst and most hidden parts of our lives wouldn't you agree?  You find that as you're moving along, you come across things you either forgot about or didn't expect-like that picture of you doing the unspeakable or posing along side the intolerable :o --and the list goes on....

But what about when you find that hidden aspiration or buried dream or desire that you packed away so long ago?  What caused you to hide your passion?  Was it a dream killer?  There are a lot of them floating around you know.  Did fear play a part in you suppressing your greatest desire?

And what is your greatest desire anyway?  Bring it to the forefront and GO FOR IT!  No better time than the present!  Trust that having the MINDSET to change for the better is worth the days, weeks, months and years of painful stunted growth you've already suffered!

Great! So now we're occupying until the coming of Jesus Christ!

Now the greatest transition is upon us! We are preparing and being prepared for the coming our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  This is the hottest of all parties, the beast of all major world-wide events!  This makes your biggest idol look and feel like a speck of dust!  It's just that BIG!

But what about our desires, aspirations and goals?

So we find that in this particular transition which is THE most important transition, that there are things buried and packed away.  And now they're being re-surfaced and we realize that we have to deal with them.

In moving, sometimes we set up a "give away" bin, a "keep" bin and a "trash" bin.  When you find treasures that were hidden such as hope in Jesus' return, put that in your bin for keeps and find some to give away to others without short-changing yourself.  And when you find items like selfishness that would cause you to believe that there are better things to look forward to more than an eternal, uninterrupted and pure communion with Jesus Christ at His return--TRASH IT!

Keep looking up!  His return draws nigh!

Be Encouraged!

Tyvee B.

Luke 19:13; James 5:8; Matthew 6:19-21

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello Jewels!

Welcome to the Lapidary Suite!

More posts to come soon!